‘Covid-Tested’ Flights Opens Travel Corridor Between Italy and U.S. in Mid-December

After months of border closures and travel restrictions limiting American travel to Italy, Delta Air Lines and Alitalia announced plans to begin “Covid-tested” flights between Rome and the United States that allow select travelers to forgo quarantine requirements upon arrival in Italy.
Service will begin December 19 and include four testing stages for passengers to ensure the risk of infection stays at “one in a million”, the estimate given by Mayo Clinic’s Chief Value Officer Henry Ting, who has been advising Delta in the program launch along with the carrier’s other industry-best Covid-19 protocols.
Currently, the Delta flights are available to all EU citizens as well as Americans traveling for business, health or education purposes. As of now, Delta has planned “Covid-tested” routes from Rome to New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport, Newark and Atlanta. The program has been approved by Italy’s Ministers of Health, Transportation and Foreign Affairs.

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