After two flights departing St. Lucia were cancelled February 13th, British Airways sent passengers to a brothel.

We don’t think this is where they imagined waking up on Valentine’s Day.

On social media, passenger Martin Snow wrote: I can confirm we indeed were sent to an establishment that appeared to me was a brothel […] semi/naked women and men greeted us on the landing.

Ross Tanner wrote: There is no member of staff here!! You have sent us to brothels!! Shanty towns […]

Other passengers slept on the airport floor—31 in total, some of whom were over 70 years old, according to the social media of sports writer Neil Allen.

A spokesperson for British Airways said that a relief aircraft was sent to St. Lucia to get the passengers to their destination as soon as possible. The spokesperson also said that BA offered business class lounge access to the stranded passengers, and provided “bedding and food and drinks.”

Accommodations were scarce due to a widely-attended cricket game on the island, and it’s difficult to discern if British Airways knew they were sending passengers to a brothel.

Of course, there’s no telling how many passengers considered this a happy ending to their vacation.