If there was ever a moment in time to use a travel agent over doing things on your own, the time is now. Seriously–cancellations, delays, sky high holiday prices…before you think: oh, a travel agent will just add to the cost of my trip! think again. In short, a travel agent will save you big bucks, in more ways than one. Here are the top 5 reasons why it’s in your best interest to work firsthand with a Cook Travel expert for your next adventure. This is one area in life you should never DIY (do it yourself).
We’re cheaper than airlines or third party sites like Expedia. We shop online for virtually everything these days, and we’ve all become good bargain hunters, too. Many people think they can score a better deal online, on websites like Kayak and Expedia. This just isn’t the case. In most cases, if you find a compelling deal online, it actually is too good to be true. You need to read the fine print–exclusions and limitations can wind up costing you in ways you didn’t prepare for. In fact, all tickets we sell are cheaper than airline rates or third party sites… plus we love to find our clients some added perks. Bring us your online finds, and we’ll take a crack at getting you a more compelling deal every time.
We’re actually reachable! The pandemic coupled with labor shortages and scheduling changes has made wait times longer than ever before. Expect 2-3 hours when dealing with your average online site like Kayak or Expedia, but don’t be surprised if it’s longer. Some fliers had to deal with…get this… 12 HOUR wait times to chat with someone about their itinerary. At Cook Travel, our agents are always reachable. Rain, shine, day or night, you’ll always be able to get in touch and speak directly to a human, rather than being subjected to half a day of bad elevator music.

We have exclusive access to deals: Many hotels and cruise lines offer unadvertised group rates for travelers, but the average person can’t see them. Thanks to relationships we’ve fostered over decades in business, we have access to book these group deals. Plus, we know how to combine all eligible promotions to get you the best price.
We take the headache out of travel. Our agents can activate their network to ensure that if things go wrong–and let’s face it, if the pandemic taught us anything, it’s possible–they can easily negotiate with suppliers to get your needs met, be it postponing a trip or rerouting. From chaotic weather to cancellations, we actually have your back so you’re never stranded and at the mercy of an unreachable airline.
We read the fine print so you don’t have to. Travel insurance is at the top of every traveler’s mind now, and it’s rightfully getting a lot of attention after 2 years of lost bookings. Navigating the world of travel insurance requires a graduate degree…almost. When it’s in the hands of a trained expert, things get easier, and you wind up properly protected.

Everyone thinks they’re capable of booking their own travel. But if 2020, 2021, and 2022 have taught us anything, it’s that travel agents are needed now more than ever before. Things can go wrong at every turn–hello Hurricane Ian and Omicron! You just never know. Plus, you travel a few times a year…we book travel for our clients every single day–it’s our speciality. Let us take care of you, and we’ll make sure you get the best possible price.
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