We’ve been hearing a lot of debate these days about who should be allowed to bring their cats and dogs on airplanes. But what about… kanagaroos?

Social media is full of pictures of kangaroos spotted flying in the main cabin on commercial flights. Apparently, all you need to do is get a doctor’s note saying your animal is necessary for your emotional support.

To find out how hard it is to get your pet classified as an Emotional Support Animal, NBC producer Courtney Copenhagen decided to test it out. The answer: not hard.

Copenhagen went online, answered a few questions, paid $150, and a few days later received the letter in the mail. This letter enabled her to fly with not just her 70-pound Labrador retriever, Bailey, but also a borrowed, 15-pound tortoise named Xena.

This has become a bit of an issue for airlines when animals are misbehaved. But our feelings on the matter are that kangaroos are always A-OK.

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